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ElevateYour Life.

Become a conscious and confident leader in all areas of your life with Core Energy Coaching™. 

My Story

As a coach, I work with people from all walks of life, including Fortune 500 executives, heads of households, students and entrepreneurs.  My empathetic, compassionate and direct approach has earned the trust of my clients, with coaching sessions frequently being referred to as "life-changing".


Prior to becoming a coach, I held a successful career in marketing and public relations where I led campaigns for clients like Jordan Sparks, Buzz Aldrin, Hint Water and Mary Kay Cosmetics.  I worked alongside national and global C-Suite teams to generate effective campaigns and national media coverage resulting in increased revenue and established reputations.​


While navigating my professional career, I often became the unofficial coach on my teams.  As peers and leaders confided in me,  I became aware of my passion for connecting with and supporting others.  My ability to observe and listen intently, gave me an edge that allowed me to develop strong relationships and empower others.  Effective communication is my super power!


Today, I am adamant about helping others live in alignment with their personal values and passions.  I believe that life is just too short to be living on the sidelines.  If you're ready to start playing the game of life on your terms, honoring your life rules, contact me today for your complimentary introductory call.

"It is like magic talking to Jessica"

Woman in Grey Sweater
"Jessica is so amazing and wonderful. I've been avoiding putting myself out there at work but Jessica has helped me understand what it is I truly want and why. I feel like she has the ability to see me, which has helped me address my fear of trying new things. She's helped me to feel positive and opportunistic rather than afraid and burdened.  It is like magic talking to Jessica."

Paulene, Senior Manager, Customer Operations, Multinational Software Company

What I Offer

A No-Nonsense Approach

I am fearless with my clients, diving deep into their inner most dreams and goals.  My coaching methods, which are rooted in Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and psychotherapy, are researched backed, and proven to create sustainable results for my clients.


A Professional Certified Coach, I am a graduate of the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and I am credentialed by the International Coach Federation (ICF).  I am also a Energy Leadership™ Index - Master Practitioner.  I uphold the highest standards when working with my clients.

Energy Leadership™ Index Assessment (ELI)

You’ve probably taken personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram, trying to better understand yourself and others. And you’ve probably learned a lot from them!  What I have to offer is different (and transformational!) And it all boils down to one word—energy. The Energy Leadership™ Index (ELI) assessment is the proprietary, research-backed attitudinal assessment tool, created by iPEC, that takes something abstract—the way you experience the world—and turns it into a tangible metric.


Understandably, when you take an assessment or quiz, you want to be able to utilize the results in your life. Imagine having an expert guide you through this new information. As an iPEC certified ELI-MP, I will debrief your personalized assessment results so you can ask all your questions, as I provide you with valuable insights for how to take what you’ve learned and actually apply it to your relationships, career, and all areas of your life.

1:1 Core Energy  Coaching™ Sessions

Through these personalized coaching calls, you will skyrocket to a whole new level of inner transformation as you learn to rebuild your life from "good enough" to great.  Each coaching session is 45 minutes via video or phone conference.


​Discover how to tap into your unlimited potential allowing you to accomplish whatever you set your mind to.  You'll undoubtedly develop strong self-awareness and inner confidence to show up each day with courage, confidence and hope.



What You'll Gain

With Core Energy Coaching™, the possibilities are truly endless.  What is that life you envision, and what if this is that one step to get you closer to it?

Increased Happiness

After working with a Core Energy Coach™, people reported increased levels of life satisfaction across the board, in 14 distinct areas, from personal freedom and intimate relationships to financial success and engagement at work.

Greater Sense of Purpose and Meaning

Core Energy Coaching™ can help you shift to a more proactive and positive approach, which helps you access your creativity and intuition more quickly.  Through the Core Energy Coaching™ process, people can increase their self-confidence, self-esteem and as a result, feel highly motivated to succeed.  Through this work, individuals can create healthier relationships, positive workplace dynamics and pursue their goals and passions with greater ease.

Lower Stress

Our mindset plays a huge role in what holds us back from seeing opportunities and possibilities.  Core Energy Coaching™ can help you shift your perspective so you’re able to start thinking and behaving differently.  When you’re working with an iPEC-trained coach, like me, you’re working with an evidence-based model that’s been studied and linked to real-life changes and tangible outcomes.  You can become more in control of your thoughts and behaviors rather than have an automatic, consequential reaction inside a stressful situation.

More Fulfilling Relationships + Influencial Communication Skills

The power of coaching not only transforms you from the inside out, but gives you necessary tools to develop and sustain passionate and respectful relationships with your spouse/partner, your family, your co-workers and your friends.  You'll learn how to handle conflict with ease, speak with confidence while sharing your authentic opinions and gain trust through thoughtful conversation. 


Imagine waking up every day completely in love with your life.  Through Core Energy Coaching™, you'll dive deep into self-excavation and uncover how to show up each day as yourself, in alignment with what sets your soul on fire.  You'll gain tremendous confidence in following your unique path and create a life completely filled with true happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment.

Female Baker

Danielle, Executive Chef, Bakery Owner

"Jessica's genuine desire to help others lead happy and meaningful lives comes through within moments of speaking with her. My first session felt like a relaxed conversation, and that was comforting. It can be scarily overwhelming to decide to feel vulnerable (in any capacity) to another human being. This is true for most of us almost all of the time, but it is especially true during a time of introspection. Taking a personal journey for growth and clarity is intimidating, and I found that Jessica listens in an attentive, non-judgmental way. She helped me understand my goals as well as personal roadblocks I was creating for myself. When I felt unsure of how to respond, she guided the conversation with various perspectives at different questions and concepts. She is pure in nature and honest in conversation, and that helped diffuse the anxiety brought on by choosing to face myself. Understanding yourself often means being patient with the comprehension of your own thoughts, and Jessica helped me feel at ease to do just that."

Let's Talk

Business Owner

It's understandable to feel stuck in life sometimes and if you’re thinking about hiring a coach, one big question probably keeps circling through your mind: Will it work?


Core Energy Coaching™ is an evidence-based model that has been shown to help people make measurable changes that lead to sustainable and transformational results.


As a Core Energy Coach™, I am trained to help people raise their energy levels and become more aware of their actions and choices. As a result of this shift, they’re more apt to inspire others, more open to innovation and possibility, and far better able to pursue goals.  


If you'd like to discover if Core Energy Coaching™ is right for you, contact me today! 



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New Jersey, USA

© 2023 Jessica Lynn Coaching, LLC

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